Monday, July 4, 2011


          I love music.I love playing guitar, although i'm not that good I still love playing it. especially when i'm bored. I learned to play this instrument, only because my best friend forced me to. She wants to establish  a girls band, that's her biggest dream. At first i'm not that interested until it came to the point that I learned to love it too...
         For me basics of playing it is not that hard, I learned fast but I did not develop it because I focus more on my studies. Until now I love playing guitar, but not always. Only when i'm bored, when i'm on the mood, and when i'm interested on the new songs.
         There's a lot of people who are so jealous to me when I play and sing. They say I was so great and talented, and of course i'm flattered, but for me there's more better player than me.I'm happy and proud because I have shared this bit' of talent of mine to others, I have taught almost 10 of my friends of playing guitar. more of them succeed. Some now played much more better than me, and i'm so happy that because of me they learned,and they will never forget me for the rest of their lives =D .. 
             Playing guitar is so good, will help you to relax, soften your hearts and it will helps you express your feelings. If your mad, you play rock song, if your sad, you can play soft and if your happy you can play happy songs. You can compose your own song, actually I have already composed some songs, but I haven't sang it yet to anyone. Guitar have been a part also of my life, although i'm not that good enough, what's important there is you enjoy on playing it..and how others enjoy your play.
            Playing guitar is not just that easy, you have to play it with feelings, with passion and much better if you you play it while you sing. 

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