There can be a lot of pressure to lose your virginity - that is, to have sexual intercourse for the first time. Having sex just because you want to lose your virginity, or because you think all your friends are doing it, is something you may regret later. Sexual intercourse can lead to pregnancy. So, before having sex you should think about whether you need to use contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy, and condoms to prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).You might feel lots of anxieties, especially the first time you have sexual intercourse. You may feel embarrassed about how you look without your clothes on, or worried about your privacy being disturbed. It's natural to worry, but good communication can really help. You should be able to talk to your partner about your concerns and how you feel about having sex for the first time. Your partner might be worried too, and talking can really ease the tension. If you're too shy, or you're not able to talk about these things with your partner, then you probably shouldn't be having sex!.. a girl can become pregnant the first time she has sexual intercourse. So, you must use contraception the first time you have sexual intercourse, if you don't want to risk becoming a parent. For some people sexual feelings are bound up with love and close relationships. Some people think sexual intercourse should only happen within marriage. For other people sex and love are two different things What is important is that you feel good about yourself and what you are doing, and that you keep yourself safe. Being safe means not only thinking about physical risks such as pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. But also emotional risks such as the regret you may feel afterwards...There is no absolute right age to start having sex. What matters is whether it is the right time for you. It also depends on what you mean by 'having sex.”.. There are many ways in which you can give and receive sexual pleasure without having sexual intercourse.Giving each other massages, kissing and hugging can be very passionate. It's a way of sharing and showing love. For some people these activities can be more fulfilling than sexual intercourse.You get pressure from people talking about sex. You think, 'I've got to go and see what it's like'. It's hard, but you've got to resist and do what you want.It's very important not to feel pressurised into having sex when you don't really want to. Just because your friends say they are 'doing it' doesn't mean they are.Thinking through all the implications of having sex can be a useful way of helping you arrive at a decision. There are lots of reasons why people don't want to have sex. You may feel that you are not ready emotionally. Being pushed into having sex could mean you regret it later on. Some people have quite strong religious or cultural beliefs. Others just want to wait.Some people call this decision to wait 'abstinence. The decision to abstain from having sex can be either a long-term decision or a short-term one. Some people decide that they do not want to start having sex until they are married or in a significant long-term relationship. Other people may decide that having sex isn't the right thing for them at this particular time. Later on they may meet a person who they want and feel ready to have sex with. The decision whether to have sex or not is an important one. You should do what is right for you. It should be an informed decision, and not one based on fear or pressure from others.
 Sleep, how important is it to us? of course our body is like a battery full of energy, but everyday we do a lot of things until we run out of energy, that's why we have to sleep to recharge. Sleeping is like charging, the doctor prescribed each man would have enough sleep with in 8 hours. Indeed it is and sleeping too long can make us as tired and lethargic as having too little. If you wake up tired after sleeping for eight hours or longer, more sleep is not what you need. You may thinks that because you sleep too much you're the exact opposite of those who have too little sleep. In fact excessive sleep is actually another form of insonmia. Yes really! Because you're not acheiving the right kind of rest, this is why you find it so hard to get up, or perhaps you have problems with sleepiness during the day. Too much sleep can weaken your sleep system. Your body is not awake for long enough to absorb enough sunlight, get enough exercise or engage in enough tiring activities. Your body temperature takes a long time to climb to normal in the morning making you very drowsy for several hours after waking. In fact your body temperature may not climb to its peak at all, so you may feel lethargic all day. This is because excess melatonin that has been released by keeping your eyes closed for a long time does not dissipate quickly leaving you feeling drowsy and drained of energy. Too much sleep can actually weaken your immune system leading to lowered resistance to colds, flu or worse.
That’s why we have to sleep only at the right time or amount of time. A better quality of sleep is what's needed rather than more sleep. Sleep needs to be optimised so that you can sleep a lot less and feel more energised and are actually healthier. Quite often we don't get enough deep sleep even when we are sleeping eight hours or more. Deep sleep is the most important type of sleep out body needs. One quick way to feel more energised during the day is to do some exercise. This raises your body temperature and wakes up your whole body. Your lungs will fill with healthy oxygen. Get out into the sunlight if possible, this will strengthen the sleep system and you'll be creating better deeper sleep for yourself at night . The worst thing you can do to try and wake yourself up is to consume yet more coffee. You may get a quick energy boost but too much coffee can have a disastrous effect on your sleep system, stress levels and circadian rhythm.
 Marriage, nowadays most people said that marriage is just a piece of paper. What is important is the relationship, the life after your marriage how to keep or protect your marriage. Marriage is the engagement or the union of two couples. Where everything each of them owned wealth, family body and soul. will be shared to each other and will be owned by both of them. Marriage is not a joke. It's a promise of two people to everybody, to the law and of course to God to be together until the end of their lives for better and for worst 'till death they apart. Marriage is not the end of every love story it is where the couples begin their lives together, they settle for their own, make their own home and family. There's a lot of kind of marriage sometimes it's not just the union of a couples, a men an d a women.. we also have what we called same-sex marriage where the marriage was taken by both men or both women which is acceptable in other countries and others do not. There are some people, I can't tell whether they are lucky or unlucky, because they don't have the freedom to choose to whom they wanted to marry.. i't's what we called arranged-marriage it is where the marriage of the two is not because they wanted it but because they were arranged by their families. With some reasons, like for example to pay the debts of their family they have to marry their creditors., or because of the comradship of their family the parents wanted their children to marry each other. Or also maybe one of the reason is to keep their wealth, their parents are probably partners in their business or in their wealth or whatever and they don't want it to share to anybody especially to poor. Because if they are rich and their children will marry the poor and the poor will share their wealth. That's why they wanted their children to marry also rich ones to save their wealth and of course their wealth if combined, they will become richer. But what is the best when it comes to marriage is the marriage of the two not because of anything else, but only because of love.
I love music.I love playing guitar, although i'm not that good I still love playing it. especially when i'm bored. I learned to play this instrument, only because my best friend forced me to. She wants to establish a girls band, that's her biggest dream. At first i'm not that interested until it came to the point that I learned to love it too...
For me basics of playing it is not that hard, I learned fast but I did not develop it because I focus more on my studies. Until now I love playing guitar, but not always. Only when i'm bored, when i'm on the mood, and when i'm interested on the new songs.
There's a lot of people who are so jealous to me when I play and sing. They say I was so great and talented, and of course i'm flattered, but for me there's more better player than me.I'm happy and proud because I have shared this bit' of talent of mine to others, I have taught almost 10 of my friends of playing guitar. more of them succeed. Some now played much more better than me, and i'm so happy that because of me they learned,and they will never forget me for the rest of their lives =D ..
Playing guitar is so good, will help you to relax, soften your hearts and it will helps you express your feelings. If your mad, you play rock song, if your sad, you can play soft and if your happy you can play happy songs. You can compose your own song, actually I have already composed some songs, but I haven't sang it yet to anyone. Guitar have been a part also of my life, although i'm not that good enough, what's important there is you enjoy on playing it..and how others enjoy your play.
Playing guitar is not just that easy, you have to play it with feelings, with passion and much better if you you play it while you sing.
There's a lot of times, moments, events, happenings and chances that passes to our lives that we treasure. The happiest moments, unforgettable moments with our friends, best friends, families and love ones that we treasure in our hearts for the rest of our lives. There are times we forget the things the moments that we shouldn't forget. That's why most people uses camera to capture and capture and capture everything, because as we all know we could never bring back time, we're not sure to have chances again and again, so as much as possible, capture and keep.
We know camera can never bring back time, only a piece of card printed with pictures. A pictures that when we see it we feel what we have felt the time that it happens.It is very very useful. When you go to different places, we use camera to capture the place where you have been and you have something to show to others that you have been there, and saw those beautiful things.Everyone is fond of using this capture every moment with their love ones.
Facebook, the newest and the most popular site worldwide nowadays. It is used to communicate, to advertise , publish anything or everything you want. You can make a group, send a messages, post your nice videos and pictures and share it to your friends. You can contact your friends and families wherever you are through internet , and facebook makes it easier for us.You may post anything, what you feel, what you see, what you want. In facebook, you are free to do anything you want.At facebook you can play games, search for everyone, there's a lot of online games became popular to us, like cityville, farmville, ddtank, empires and allies..those are some example of the games in facebook that lot of people are fond of playing on it.
Almost everyone had an account on facebook. Your mother, father brothers and sisters even your grannies. And do you know some people made an account also for their pets?. chickens, cats, dogs, and even their rats. They registered an account for them. Facebook is very important and very useful, I have used this to contact my friends, to tell some announcements, to publish an events and many more. You can have a lot of fun in it.teasing friends, you can post on their walls and they can post on your wall too. Facebook is great, full of fun.Aside from that , do you know facebook is very updated to the news, about what's going on in our society. Through this you can expose yourself to the people, you may meet new friends also, you can talk with them, through chat.. you can see their photos and videos, you may know their information about their beliefs , status, home address , cp number, work, where they studied, and many more.
I hope that we'll just use facebook properly, not to destroys other people lives, and to stain their names. Facebook has made only for the goodness of all.. To communicate, to entertain and to have fun.
Friends come and go. there's a lot of people we have met everywhere, in our neighbors, schools, church, market, malls, park, in parties the people you smiled at and smiled back at you may become your friend, your seatmate in a bus may become your friend with just a little smile, a little talk, a little laugh and even just a simple "hi!" "hello" may starts a friendship.it is so easy to find friends, but not with true friends, some are good and some are bad so be careful of choosing your friends. Yet, friends come and go,lack of communication, finding new and better friends or having different path in life, may forget and leave a friend, but true friends don't.
True friends are those friends that can really be trusted, who's always there for you in good times and in bad, who knows you well and you also know them well, who always think of you, concern about you, wishing good things for you and count on you and you can count on when you're in need. They give good advise, they are those people who never forget you even though you're miles away, even though for how many years you don't see each other they're still there for you.True friendships is a relationship between the people with mutual understanding with each other to give each other their trust, care, and love unconditionally. True friends will never turn their back at you, they will accept you whatever you are, they are proud of you and fight for you. True friends never bring you down, they give a hand to pull you up. True friends are the best give, it's a treasure so keep them well, value them with all your heart, because true friends when gone you have only small chance to bring them back.